Panafrican Democratic Movement for the Renaissance 


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The members&Associated of the PDMR Rwanda have to meet on the next coming Saturday. June 17, 2006 for their first general assembly and so here are the agenda of the coming meeting: 
* Discuss on the PDMR constitutive act. 
* Discuss on the feasibility of the movement in Rwanda. 
* Set up commissions. 
* Miscellaneous.  
The national coordinator 
Report about the “Pan African Youth Forum for the promotion of African Unity” 
Organized jointly by African Youth Synergy[PDMR(Libya), AYU(Mali), BPM(Burkina-Faso), IMRUA(France)], the Government of Mali and AUC HRST Department 
Bamako MALI from 07 to 15 September 2005 
Within the framework of action no 32.22 “ Development and empowerment of African Youth of the AUC priority action plan Horizon 2007, HRST co-organized with the Synergy African Youth and the Malian Government the first “Pan African youth Forum for the promotion of African Unity”. According to HRST recommendations, the following themes were discussed during the forum: 
- African Union, NEPAD, Africa Unity and Renaissance; 
- African Unity values; 
- Vocational and technical training and youth employment development; 
- The new Pan African Youth Charter. 
1. Attendance: 
150 participants from 10 African countries (Senegal, Mali, Congo Brazzaville, Mauritania, Libya, Guinea Conakry, Togo, Benin, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Diaspora from Europe (France, Belgium, Spain), AUC, Malian Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Malian Ministry of youth and Sports. 
2. Purpose of the meeting: 
To define new strategies for the promotion of African Unity, youth vocational training, youth development and to delineate the major contents of the new Pan African Youth Charter. 
3. Activities: 
Day 1 : 07-09-2005- 
1. Opening ceremony: 
a- The representative of Synergy Africa Youth expressed the commitment of youth to promote African Unity.  
b- The Malian Minister of foreign Affairs congratulated the political maturity of the youth for having chosen the crucial themes of African Unity and youth employment. 
c- The Representative of the AUC called upon the youth to defeat poverty and tyranny in Africa by a new spirit of youth merit and excellence. 
2. Ordinary session: 
a-. Presentation: The African Union Commission 
The representative of the Malian Youth Council, ARBY presented the AUC main structures and objectives focused on the integration and development of Africa. 
b- Workshop 1: “Youth and democratic process” 
The participants underlined the necessary and legitimate role of youth to develop Democracy in Africa through: popularization of National Youth Councils and youth forums about Democracy; teaching Democracy and Human Rights in schools; creation of African youth watch dog for Democracy; training and legal protection of youth political leaders. 
c- Workshop 2: “Youth and Africa Unity” 
The participants underlined the strong willingness and commitment of youth to play a key role in Africa Unity and integration through their involvement in: the popularization of weeklong celebration of the Africa day (25 April) and the AU day (09 September) in all member States; creation of radio, TV special programs about African life, African societies and African Heroes; creation of school programs and events about Africa (the 1st day of school should be focused on Africa); reinforcement of African youth mobility (creation of African youth volunteer corps, Higher education student mobility). 
c- Workshop 3: “Youth and conflict resolution” 
The participants underlined the linkage between conflict, instability and poverty in Africa and the necessity to create: a Pan African Peace Prize; National Museums of peace; Peace studies; a Pan African convention about Demilitarization of Africa; a Pan African Youth Peace corps. 
Day 2 : 08-09-2005- 
a-.Presentation: “The Pan African Youth Movement for Africa Independence and Unity” 
Mr Dramane DIARRA, President of the Malian Federal Pan Africanist Organizations (FNAP), presented the former role of the Pan African Youth Movement for Africa Independence and Unity . 
b- Workshop : “Africa Unity and integration positive values” 
The participants underlined the following main positive values that has to be promoted for Africa Unity and integration that has not to be separated from Development: political and intergeneration dialogue, peace, non-violence, solidarity, hospitality, knowledge of Africa, African languages, endogenous techniques, rural development, environment preservation, respect of Human right and democracy, leadership and entrepreneurship, science and technology. 
Day 3 : 09-09-2005- 
a-.Presentation: “The Malian policy for youth employment development” 
Mr Iba NDYAE, Director of the National Agency for Youth Employment Development (ANPE) presented the Malian critical youth unemployment situation and the policy of the National Agency for Youth Employment Development that consists mainly in training and orienting youth in jobs linked to the needs of local economic sectors such as : agriculture, small trade, small and medium enterprises. 
b- Workshop : “Youth vocational training and employment development” 
The participants underlined the following main strategies to revitalize youth vocational training and to develop youth employment: enhancement of youth literacy campaign; popularization of libraries, Cyber centres and TV distance learning programs; harmonization of African programs and diplomas for compulsory vocational training; creation of out of school training centres; creation of young girls vocational training centres; focusing education curricula on Africa needs (ICT, Agriculture, languages, positive values); development of apprenticeship; creation of Bank of youth entrepreneurship and youth job credits. 
Day 4 : 10-09-2005- 
a-.Presentation: “The new Pan African Youth Charter” 
Mr Darafify RALAIVAO, Representative of the AUC, presented the new Pan African Youth Charter project and essence and its linkage to African youth development and youth empowerment to Africa development. He gave an overview of others exiting AU Charters, presented the essence of Human Rights and called upon the youth participants to committed to be a generation of Human rights defenders. 
b- Workshop : “The main contents of the new Pan African Youth Charter” 
The participants underlined 10 main areas of concern to be addressed in the Charter: (1) Access to Information (creation of youth medias, access to governmental and AU informations, transparency); (2) Participation and democracy (creation of national and continental young volunteers corps for peace and development, creation of a quota for youth at all national and continental levels of policy and decision making bodies, creation of youth democracy watch dog); (3) Education (reinforcement of youth literacy campaign, youth vocational training campaign, youth access to ICT, to science and technology, to African studies and positive values, to physical education, to research and studies scholarship); (4) Access to propriety (youth access to the sustainable protection and rational management of Africa national resources, youth access to land, house and credit); (5) Access to welfare (right to development, youth protection against the propagation of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, youth access to free leisure facilities, to sports activities, health care and social security); (6) Security and stability (the right of youth to have a war free, demilitarized and stable Africa, the right to be protected by law for all Human rights and fundamental liberties, youth commitment to reject hatred, terrorism and violence and to promote a culture of peace- Bamako declaration rf. below), (7) Mobility (creation of youth students and professionals unique passport, youth access to all Africa universities and private enterprises while studying and seeking jobs); (8) Employment (access to vocational training and to entrepreneurship credit, reform of Africa economic models and employment development policy that should focuses more in rural development, food security and production of manufactured goods for large scale consumption -papers, cement, bricks, textile-); (9) Natural resource, cultural values and heritage (right of youth to participate and to request from the government the rigorous conservation of all African natural resource, cultural heritage and values from the contemporary devastation and mismanagement); (10) Human rights (the right to be protected by law for all Human rights and fundamental liberties, youth protection from sexual harassment, genital mutilation, precocious marriage and religious or political manipulation, youth commitment to be a generation of Human rights rf. below). 
Day 5 : 11-09-2005- 
1. Adoption of the final declaration and report: 
This is the main content of the Declaration adopted by the participants: the African are resolved to mobilize all available energies for the building of a United, mutually Supportive and Prosperous Africa; to defend human rights and civil liberties; to reject hatred and violence and to promote a culture of peace. They also recommend that the Members States of the African Union and the AU Commission take historical commitments for the processing of our raw materials within Africa; for the respect of human rights and democratic values and for the definite ending of conflicts that are bereaving the Continent.  
2. Creation of the African organization for Peace and Development: 
The delegates from Libya submitted to the meeting their wish to create the African organization for Peace and Development in Libya. 18 youth associations present in the Forum agreed to be part of the new organization and to back its official creation.  
3. Closing ceremony: 
The Malian Minister of youth while closing the ceremony underlined in his speech the primordial role of youth in the challenges of integration and poverty alleviation faced by Africa. He expressed the willingness of the government to collaborate with youth. 
The follow-up committee organized its first meeting to finalize the statutes of the Synergy Pan African youth and the discussion to develop the strategies for the promotion African Unity on 14 and 15 September 2005. 
The Forum was very positive for the HRST networking and image aspects, for the developing of youth organizations database, for the collecting of inputs for youth development policy and the development of the new Pan African Youth Charter. 


Last modified on 18.06.2006
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